Mittwoch, 21. März 2012


I'm back! I used wordpress for quite a while but know i think i'll just transfer all my posts from there back to blogger and continue to write here. It really is just easier here, wordpress gave me a headache T_T
Also I'll be writing in English as I did in wordpress and not in german like I did on here when I had my Japanblog. It's just easier for me this way to get my feelings and thoughts down... Hehehe~
So this will be my personal blog from now on, if you don't want to read about that please feel free to unfollow.
I will just use this as a virtual diary, kind of.

I used blogger than wordpress and now i'm back to blogger and will stay here. So don't be confused that some posts are not stating the date they should have. It's because I transferred then from wordpress over here. This is my personal blog and some older posts are about my exchange year in Tokyo, so if you are interested in that look up my older posts.

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