Mittwoch, 21. März 2012


This is later than late can be.. but at least it's something!
It's been like forever. I apologize...
But know finally the full story of "What happened in Paris"
My friend, her boyfriend and me went to Paris (I wanted to go to the SM Town Concert. Alone. It's not easy when your friends don't like your music...sigh)
We drove for 10 hours and when we finally got their I had 2 hours left till the concert started because it was on the same evening we arrived.
And driving a car in Paris is really not easy. Maybe if you are Parisian but even then you probably have a carcrash every few weeks.
The parked cars on the sideway all looked like they were either involved in huge carcrashs or somebody stole the tires, windows, seats etc. Kinda a fun sight (But maybe it was just the area we lived in).
Sitting 10 hours in the car and then 100 cars honking around you, at you and at each other is not fun.
Luckily we made it safe (more or less) to the parking lot of our small rented apartment in St.Ouen.
Our apartment was really cute. It had the theme 'space'. So everything was covered in tin foil or kept silver. And it was cheap aswell.
But the area it was in was not so nice. Shady people everywhere.
I had one hour left to the concert. We decided that my friends would drive me to the concert (crazy traffic nontheless) because I had no clue about the transportation system.
At the 'Le Zenith' were the concert was held I met 2 really nice belgian girls and together we searched for the hall.
We barely made it in. I could already hear f(x) playing and us three ran to buy some (hugely overprized) fan article.
I seriously considered buying everything but one postcardset was 15 € and a fan aswell!
Not even starting with the T-Shirts.
I asked the dude for a Taemin fan and SHINee postcards.
He handed me them and I ran in without checking, saying bye to the two girls.
Later after the concert was over I realized that that guy gave me the wrong Postcards!
I got Suju ones instead of Shinee. T_T Nothing against Super Junior but .... what am I supposed to do with them?? *Cries*
Anybody need some Suju Postcards?

When I got seated f(x) was already playing their 2nd song. My seat was at the back but I had a good view over the mainstage and the screens.
Every artist would introduce themselve and try to say some things in french. I was swearing the whole time that I switched French class for Spanish, but I guess it was ok because not even the french people seemed to understand what they were saying.
But it was really cute watching them try.
SHINee had their standard intro and then everybody said something in french. Key beating the others of course. While OnJongTaeMin said 'Hi, my name is ... and so happy to be here' Key was literally having a speech in French. That fabulous bitch. (When Key was finished talking I also screamed 'Key, you hot bitch', but I don't think he heard me ;P)

Also, judging from the amout of applause and cheers I think that the audience was mainly Shawols (and Cassies) that evening ;)
I missed f(x) intro so I can't say anything about them.
Suju was quite fun to watch cuz they were just blabbering random stuff the whole time XD

When Girls Generation introduced themselves Hyoyeon got a really, really loud cheer. Like, the fans wouldn't stop screaming.
She was so surprised and beaming from ear to ear, really cute.

TVXQ's intro was just BOSS. Like everything else about them.
There was church bells chiming, it was dark, the melody was really letting one anticipate.
And then the lights went on and Max and Yunho were flying on ropes on the ceiling just staring intensly and it would have been awkward if their was no music but like this it was just really... intense.
By all means, I'm a hardcore shawol. But I'm not the sort of fan who blindly defends their idols.
And if I say that TVXQ had the best, the coolest and most intense intro I've ever seen at a concert I mean it.
They were the only ones who got chairs to sit down for their introduction but they also had performed on ropes in the air and sweated like crazy before so it was only fair.
And from all the artists TVXQ definetly had the most profesionalism.
Their singing and dancing at the same time was perfect in sync and flawless.
I guess they are not called "the Kings of K-Pop" for no reason.
But SHINee's performances were definetly a close 2nd to me ;)
When it comes to the moodmakers of the evening Super Junior was definetly the winner.
They maybe were not as professional as others but they had a lot of charisma and humour. To me they are better entertainers than singers. They were really funny XD
The sound unfortunately was not that nice. In the middle if the concert during ca. 5 songs (2 of them being Lucifer and RingDingDong) there seemed to be some problems. Maybe it was because I was sitting at the back but the bands really sounded like the chipmunks for a while.
The horror of a Lucifer and RingGingDong Chipmunk version, I can not comprehend.
They fixed it but I was still pissed for having my favourite song ruined.
The dancing was of course superior. I really have never seen something comparable in Europe.
The dance-off was soo awsome. Eunhyuk, Hyoyeon, Yunho and Taemin really stood out.
Seeing Taemin dance live I understand now why everybody keeps on talking about his dancing skills.
He moves so naturally, I just can't describe it. It's really beautiful to watch.
Other Performances included a lovely duett of Kyuhyun and Seohyun, and Onew singing Opera.
Yep, it was definetly worth going.
Looked up from 'the incident'. That was quite a story -__-
So, two chinese girls were sitting next to me. 1 of them seemed to be dragged along by her friend, the other was a hardcore Sungmin fan.
Well, she was having a Sungmin T-shirt, a Sungmin fan, a Sungmin lightstick and was screaming Sungmin whenever he appeared on screen. When Suju wasn't on stage she just would sit down with a pissed of look on her face until Sungmin came out again. So I guess she was a Sungmin fan. (But I must note that she nodded her head with the melody when TVXQ sang. So maybe I could be wrong... in case you didn't get it: that was sarcasm.)
Anyways while Suju sang a ballad I sat down because it was freaking hot inside, because it was a ballad and everybody sat down and just because I friggin wanted to sit down.
Of course, Sungmin's fan stood, not wanting to miss a glance of him.
10 seconds later someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around but there was nobody so I didn't think much of it and looked at the stage again. I got tapped on the shoulder again, this time harsher. I looked to my side and the girl made an innocent face and ignored me but as soon as I turned to the stage again, I swear she slapped me on the shoulder. Like, not touch or tap, seriously punch. I almost fell out of my seat and stared at her. Se stared back at me, motioning me to get up.
I got up.
Mainly because I wanted to be able to enjoy the concert and not get into a fray. Also because she really scared me. I have heard from die-hard-fans and that they can be really obsessive and protective over their idols but that was just plain ridiculous. You don't just slap people because they sit when somebody you like sings.
Looking back I actually think it's funny. But back then I was really a little shocked.

We spent 3 days in Paris.
We visited a flee market, the triumph arch, the louvre, the notre dame and, of course, the eiffel tower.
Paris is a beautiful city at the tourist spots but in the living areas it can look quite ugly sometime.
Personally, I really liked it their. It didn't have the hectic atmosphere of most of the big cities I've seen.
Paris is very relaxed and chic ;)
And if you know the good places to go it will definetly be an awsome trip.
(Who am I talking to? Nobody even reads this... fml.. but at least I can practice my english... it's getting worse)

Irrelevant things. But you should be jelaous.

Hello~ Long time no see ❤
SHINee's japanese Single and MV is finally out and being the crazy fangirl I am, it drove me nuts, Haha.
I wrote a 'polictical-incorrect' review of the MV (horrible spelling & grammer and an enormous amount of le~ INTERNETSLANG) since I had nothing better to do. It took forever... What is my Life?
It was too horrible to post so here's just the 'Bottom Line' (Prepare for Fangirl Ramble):
  • Eyecandy, friggin' tasty and sweet!
  • Clothing: Juliette Era Remake with weird ripped bathtowels winded around the body?
  • Onew is the cutest nerd ever~
  • JJong is JJong (OMG the strawhat lol.. i can't even)
  • Minho is a sexy bitch.
  • AND TAEMIN !!!! HUIFDUIHUFUIDFUIGDUGDU!!!!!!!!!!!! MA LOVER BOY! MA BOYFRIEND !!! I'M HIS GIRLFRIEND !!!!!!! NO ACTUALLY WIFE! -> potential T.O.P in 2min fanfics? i never thought that day would come
  • yoona starring? yoona starring. yoona starring!
  • miss vic but don't hate yoona
  • Replay was always about NOONAS and now it's just some random love song, kinda sad TT (but of course it would be awkward as hell if they sang the sister part in japanese (since there is no thing like noona in japanese) cuz it would turn into a .. incest song or something weird 0_0 and incest ain't pretty.)
  • I CAN UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE SINGING XDDD *happiest person in the world* OMG SO HAPPY!! XD
  • So Onew is a potter (he got an upgrade from 'voldemort-onew' to harry potter! XD)
  • Kimi wa boku ni danke no everything is just the cutest line ever and i can't get over it :p
  • Taemin's singing improves o_o
  • Wonder how JJong feels about his lack of lines.. Blingers must be sad
  • pronounciation is ok (key's best ofc) :)
  • Minho/Yoona (Minna/Yooho) have the best chemistry XD  (I KNEW that the 'two handsome ones in their group' would get the intensestaringsohotwearesmexyhwfwhfj-scene)
  • Taemin is Jailbait as usual. Hands off!
  • Onew is just loveable and gentle as always, best husband material imao >.<
  • Key is.. the awsum, divalicious, gay best friend which gives styling tipps (sorry, but the truth)
  • KEY FTW!! (idc if u are gay~)
  • JJong XDDDD~ not my bias but GEEZUZ~~ can't handle the awsome dorkyness which is u!
  • But please get rid of that strawhat, headphones are cooler -_-
  • Taemins solo dance with the cool 'swimming move' still DAEBAK
  • Bromance time: jjong with a guitar (can he play? -_-) to represent being the musicy one,  minho and taemin just looking fab, key with a mac being the cool, artsy, hipster one.. and then onew..... ONEW???? What was he doing? XD like checkered shirt and hands between the legs and it was THE NERDIEST THING EVER !!!! but so cute ^.^
  • Dancesoundeffects again -_- what is with the soundeffects?
Unrelevant, personal review over. Lol.
Umm.. looked up from that nothing interesting is happening in my life, *I AM GOING TO SM TOWN CONERT* school is boring and *OMFG JUST 4 MORE DAYS* soon holidays will start *AND AFTER THAT VACACTION IN PARIS HAHAHA*
And since this post turned again in some fangirl spasm this is also relevant:
BBy~ I'll write when I'm back from Paris *cough* and my fantastic concert which will be life changing *cough* you should all be jelaous *cough*

kyu-to is cute

Today I finished watching the japanese drama Q10.

The story: Heita (Sato) is an ordinary high school boy with a kind heart but no real interest in romance. His class is joined by a transfer student named Q10 (pronounced "kyu-to," the same as "cute"), who looks like a girl but is actually a robot. Together, the two end up causing trouble at school, and Heita even begins falling for Q10.
It was a really adorable story.  Unfortunately the end confused me as hell (*.*) It was a good drama but not one of the best. I'd give it a 6.8/10. But it's definitely worth a look.
Something that really got me was the quote at the very end:
今は見えなくても 自分を信じろ
いつか目の前に お前が信じた物が形をもって現れる
Love the world
Even though its invisible now, Believe in yourself
One day before your eyes, the thing you believed in will take form and present itself to you
Until that day...
Even though they are not very realistic I just love asian dramas. Why am I always getting so emotional about them? *sigh*
Don't get me wrong. I don't want to have dramatic relationships or unrealistic adventures in my life. I'm very content with a stable and realistic relationship and a normal, happy life. But I still love to watch them. Something about them just gets me... wonder what it is? Yeah, I really love watching them even though I don't take them too serious. And sometimes, really just sometimes, I also like to have some super dramatic romantic love scene in the rain in my life.
On other notes.. SHINee released the teaser for the japanese Version of Replay (!____!) I am so excited for the single!

birthday presents

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Lola~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEE!! ♫
Wohoo, apparently it was my birthday (figured). And of course I got many awsome presents
My Dad gave me a new webcam because my old one had no microphone, and the video quality was just horrible. Now I have a super HD Webcam with Microphone. Yay, I can't wait to test it out. Finally no more annoying sound problems / looking like Sadako because of the video quality when I skype.
My Mum and Stepdad are paying for my trip to Paris next month and the concert ticket for SM Town (Oh yeah, I got a ticket). So I will be blogging about SM Town in Paris and Paris itself soon. I have to go alone to the concert because nobody of my K-Pop friends is going (;_;)  But at least two of my none-kpop-friends will tag along and we'll stay in Paris for 4-5 days. By the way.. they are a couple.. I'm so going to be the third wheel...  but I don't care. SHINee, TVXQ, Suju, f(x) and many more are waiting for me, kekeke.
My own birthday present (something I gave to myself) is a bunch of CD's from And then I got cash from the rest of my family which I'll save for my driving license and stuff. And some books, a really pretty make-up case and CD's from my lovely friends.
Lastly a very, very awsome present which deserves an own post is here: SHINee  :D

SHINee fanart

My friend Ellen send me some beautiful drawings as a birthday present.
They are really pretty so I wanted to share them (^^)
It's mainly fanart from the korean boyband SHINee we both like.

I totally cracked up about the notes she added. There was a whole site just describing SHINee's charakter if they were girls (>.<) Haha, you're awsome Ellen. Thank you, I will definetly hang them up in my room <3
PS: Please don't use the pictures without asking.


I found this amazing artist on deviantart! His name is Teekatas S., an illustrator from Bangkok, Thailand.  He makes really beautiful water colour pictures, they are just so sweet.
On his side you can download cute folder icons and wallpapers for your computer for free.
Here is the link: raindropmemory
I immediately downloaded a bunch of them and redesigned my desktop (^^)
Here is a screenshot of it:

Cute, isn't it?
The folder pics are enlarged because I can't see them otherwise. My eyesight is pretty bad, hehe.

a little less eighteen candles

This is just my personal blog where I muse about life and random things. I'll skip the introduction.. just read and get to know me if you want.
Tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday. So, 2 more hours to go until I'm an 'adult'.
For some reason I always imagined becoming eighteen would be so special.
When I was a kid, 18 was the age.  Being still young but already all grown-up and mature. Now that I look back I can still remember how we all seemed to think that life would just change within one day. Driving a car, drinking alcohol, being able to make decisions for yourself (not having to listen to your mothers nagging anymore) and all that stuff. I really couldn't wait for it to come.
And now, having exactly one hour and 53 minutes left till that big moment I'm all flustered and confused.
Nothing really changed. I still feel way too young for my age. And thinking that I'll actually be eighteen so soon. It just plain scares me.
So, while I always thought being eighteen would also be the start of my life as an adult in reality I'm still just ... something inbetween.
But now I don't even know if I actually want that. I like being young and not having to worry too much about life (laugh).
Seventeen was a really good year. I went to Japan as an exchange student. And, maybe for the first time in my life, realised who I am and, more importantly, that it is ok to be the way I am.  I made friends which will be there for me wherever I go. Made experiences, grew  and had to make decisions which only I could do.
Yes, I do think I became more mature during this time. But still.. I just don't feel 18 (well, I'm still 17 as I write this).
Because of the catastrophe in Japan I had to come back earlier and made some not-so-pretty experiences.
But that's ok.  It just makes me stronger (not that I need to be, I already have a quite strong personality).
So, now that I'm 18, I have heaps of plans for this year. First of all, getting my driving license! And going for a trip with friends! And skiping class and writing the excuse paper myself!
Woah.. it will be so much fun. (*.*)
OK. Ready for my eighteen candles.


I'm back! I used wordpress for quite a while but know i think i'll just transfer all my posts from there back to blogger and continue to write here. It really is just easier here, wordpress gave me a headache T_T
Also I'll be writing in English as I did in wordpress and not in german like I did on here when I had my Japanblog. It's just easier for me this way to get my feelings and thoughts down... Hehehe~
So this will be my personal blog from now on, if you don't want to read about that please feel free to unfollow.
I will just use this as a virtual diary, kind of.

I used blogger than wordpress and now i'm back to blogger and will stay here. So don't be confused that some posts are not stating the date they should have. It's because I transferred then from wordpress over here. This is my personal blog and some older posts are about my exchange year in Tokyo, so if you are interested in that look up my older posts.